OH MY GOD SO MANY BROKEN TOYS! Today I went into WONDERBOY and PRINCESS's room to look for my wallet which somehow came up missing off the kitchen counter while i was asleep, last wednesday. Thank god im a poor broke fella who had no money or credit cards in my wallet, seeing how it was a day before pay day. Well i walked in and wow it looked like world war 3 had been going on in there for days. Toys and toys everywhere. You know the usual barbie doll with no head and 1 arm and leg on opposite sides. Well WONDERBOY was at school so PRINCESS and I started to clean the room and JEBUS CHRISTO there was enough toys in there to give all the orphans in texas 1. Im not saying that they were all in good shape most had been played hard and put up wet. It took us about 2 hours to go through all of them and we ended up throwing 2 trash bags full of broken and odds and end toys from sonic and mcdonalds away. But guess what still no wallet. I seached that room over and over nothing. PRINCESS told me WONDERBOY had it and WONDERBOY told me PRINCESS had it. Well at least their room is clean now and we gave the trashman something to do when he comes by this week.