Whats the World Coming To
.....THE END just ask anyone over 30 hell make that 25. I hear every day about the next big thing that is going to destroy the world. People come on this shit has been going around for yeard and years and guess what nothing has happened yet. I remember when I was in middle school reading my mom National Enquier (u know everyone secretly did it.) There were yearly forcasts by Nostrodamus or how ever you spell it. Well one of his so called predictions was that on a day in September of that year the world was going to end. Oh my me in my niave days waited for september to roll around and when it did I was scared to death on through September with out a thing happening. What a fool i was now AL "I INVENTED THE INTERNET" GORE is out with his new movie that you can read more about on KAMI'S site. On TV the other day there was a so called expert on one of the major network news shows that was talking about the global warming epicemic and how the world was melting away he said that no one knows that man is causing this problem because we are a climatic enviroment that flucates from season to season and who is to say that in 100 years the world will not be in another ice age or that all of the polar caps will melt and flood the world. Sure I think about my childrens future just like any good parent does but I will not be one to say that we have the control over our enviroment then enviroment is ever changing and if everyone was to die today the enviroment would go on to change without us here. Thats why people say not to live in the past people we can not live in the future either we have to live with the present and now and make the best.